
How To Blog About Athletic Performance Training

Strength Training, KOM Training Guide, Training Fatigue and More – Ask a Cycling Coach 341

Is it possible to time your strength training in such a way that it doesn't affect your cycling training? Coach Chad dives deep into interference-effect and if it is worthy of concern, as well as a guide to training plans for KOMs of different durations, how training fatigue and freshness can mask adaptations and much more in Episode 341 of the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast!

More show notes and discussion in the TrainerRoad Forum.

Topics covered in this episode

  • 0:00 Intro
  • 2:56 How to stop failing workouts
  • 10:07 XTERRA World Championships
  • 15:50 Deep dive on timing strength training and cycling
  • 56:54 Rapid Fire questions
  • 1:13:55 TrainerRoad's Polarized Training Plans
  • 1:18:03 Guide to KOMs of different durations
  • 1:25:25 Can you treat knee injuries while training?
  • 1:36:42 How fatigue and freshness can mask adaptations

Resources mentioned in this episode

  • Evaluation of performance improvements following either resistance training or sprint interval based concurrent training
  • Development of Maximal Dynamic Strength During Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Training in Untrained, Moderately Trained, and Trained Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  • Effects of high-intensity interval cycling performed after resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy
  • Concurrent Training with Different Aerobic Exercises
  • Interference between Concurrent Resistance and Endurance Exercise: Molecular Bases and the Role of Individual Training Variables
  • Impact of low-volume concurrent strength training distribution on muscular adaptation
  • Using Molecular Biology to Maximize Concurrent Training
  • Decrease in Akt/PKB signalling in human skeletal muscle by resistance exercise
  • Skeletal muscle amino acid transporter expression is increased in young and older adults following resistance exercise
  • Resistance exercise enhances the molecular signaling of mitochondrial biogenesis induced by endurance exercise in human skeletal muscle
  • Concurrent Training for Sports Performance: The Two Sides of the Medal
  • The physiological effects of concurrent strength and endurance training sequence: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  • Concurrent exercise training: Do opposites distract?
  • Concurrent exercise and muscle protein synthesis: Implications for exercise countermeasures in space
  • Caloric restriction induces anabolic resistance to resistance exercise
  • Low muscle glycogen concentration does not suppress the anabolic response to resistance exercise
  • Resistance exercise enhances the molecular signaling of mitochondrial biogenesis induced by endurance exercise in human skeletal muscle
  • Interference of strength development by simultaneously training for strength and endurance

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How To Blog About Athletic Performance Training


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